Creating Recipe:
Table of Contents
- To add a new recipe, go to Manufacturing -> Recipe
- Click on the Add button, it will open a popup, select the product for which you want to add recipe
- Add all ingredients/raw materials, wastage percentage & final quantity.
Wastage percentage mentioned here is wastage for the raw ingredients which happens when the ingredient is cleaned, for example in cabbage some % is wasted when leaves & stems are removed. If the raw materials you’re using doesn’t have wastage you can keep it 0 %, which is default.
Raw Ingredients: Raw ingredients are taken from the list of products. You can mark a raw ingredient as “Not For Sale” if it is not used for selling individually. For example, Some Raw ingredients like butter can be sold, some cannot be. - Wastage %: Enter the wastage for the final product which can happen because of bad quality or other reasons.
- Total Output Quantity: Output quantity for which you entered the recipe.
- Production Cost: Check the production cost as described below.
- Recipe Instructions: Steps to be followed for the production of the final product from ingredients.
Production Cost:
- Fixed: If cost is fixed then a fixed amount will be used as production cost.
- Percentage: If percentage then the percentage of ingredients cost is taken as production cost.
- Per Unit: In this case, the total production cost is multiplied with the total output quantity
Adding Production:
- To add production go to Manufacturing -> Add Production
- Reference No: Optional reference number, you can keep it blank to auto-generated it.
- Business Location: Select the business location where production is done. Raw ingredients stocks will be deducted from this location & final manufactured product stock will be added to this location.
- Product: Select the product for manufacturing. based on selected product it will display all the Raw ingredients from recipe added.
- Quantity: Quantity of final product to manufactured. Based on this Raw ingredients quantity will be calculated from recipe.
- Input Quantity: Input quantity raw ingredients which will be used for production.
- Wastage Percent: Waste percentage of raw ingredients. For example, if you took Cabbage 1 KG, and 200 grams is wastage then wastage percentage is 20%, so 800 grams will be final quantity.
- Final quantity: Input Quantity – Wastage Percent
- Wasted Quantity: Wastaged quantity of final product for any reasons.
- Production Cost: Check the production cost as described below.
- Finalize checkbox: Check this checkbox to finalize the production, this will remove the stock of raw ingredients & add stocks for the manufactured products. After finalizing the production cannot be edited.
- Production Ref No. prefix: Prefix number when production reference number is auto-generated.
- Disable editing ingredients quantity: Disable editing of ingredients when adding production, this can help to restrict staff from editing raw ingredients
New permission for View/Add/Edit for recipe & production will be available when creating a role.